WE HAVE MERCH! Our online store is closed, but we have merch available at our general meeting.

CyTom Democrats Tesla Protest
Sunday, March 23 - 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Tesla location on 290 - 19820 Hempstead Hwy
Sign up here for the Cypress-Tomball Democrats as we protest with signs in front the Tesla Dealership on 290.
Wear your Cy-Tom Dems shirts and hats or blue shirt/blue hat.​​​
Please be sure signs are focused on Musk (we know there are tons of other issues...our goal is to focus on HIM at this event). And NO profanity on signs; parents are driving by with their young kids.
Examples from the protests going on at dealerships all over the country: ​
Don't buy swasticars, Elon you're fired! Workers over billionaires, Ban Musk from our data, Musk is an unelected autocrat.
Park at the nearby restaurant areas without parking in their specified slots.

And sign up HERE to join us on Sunday, March 9th at 1:30 pm at Little Cypress Creek Preserve, a nature preserve with low-impact trails (no concrete or asphalt) which provides habitat for many creatures. And a respite for us from the “noise” to just walk in nature, which is mentally and physically refreshing.
Take a leisurely stroll with us as your President (who preserved this land in 2007) shares the beauty of these acres and the peril for its continued preservation. And our need to push our elected officials and Harris County Flood Control District to keep forested floodways FORESTED!
The preserve is located at the dead-end intersection of Spring Cypress and Telge. Be sure to wear closed toe shoes and pants. If it has rained recently, this will unfortunately not be an ADA walk for those with difficult walking nor for a wheelchair. You do not need to be “major fit” for this leisurely walk with many pauses to look and see flora/fauna.

Cy-Tom Dems Book Club
The Cy-Tom Dems book club will meet on Sunday, March 30 at 4:30. Our next book selection is "Liliana's Invincible Summer," by Christina Rivera Garza. Our book club has become so popular, that we will now have two meetings with two separate hosts. We'll fill the first group with 15 people, and then we'll start filling the second one.
The requirements to participate:
You need to be a current Cy-Tom Dem dues-paying member AND
You need to finish the book!
Anyone interested in joining the Book Club mailing list should email Carolyn, our Book Club Lead at